Moto: To inspire and create social awareness among the school kids in villages by conducting interactive session like Quiz, Elocution, Essay writing and some extracurricular activities like singing etc.
21st February 2009 - AMIGOS team (Sirish, Hema, Nikhil, Vinod, Vineel, Krishna, Shashank, Chandu, Srujana and Kalyan ) have visited Government high school Mominpet. (Nearly 80 km from Hyderabad). Reached the school by 10am in the morning.
Event was started with an introduction speech by Sirish, Nikhil, Chandu and Hema followed by programme schedule explained by Vinod, Vineel, Shashank and Krishna.
Quiz competition:
The Programme started with a Quiz competition. The response from the kids was amazing and it was very hard to select the teams from the huge number of nominations we got.
We finally got down to 5 teams (A, B, C, D and E). Questions were based on General Science, simple Mathematics, General Knowledge and few questions about freedom fighters. We need to admit that the knowledge levels they have are equivalent to so called convent schools. After a tough competition team D (G.Mounika, Manasa, Afreen Sultana, Naga Rani and Varalakshmi )have won the competition following by team A (Priyanka, Karishma, Mouinka, Jothi, Sirisha).
Essay competition:
Essay competition was already conducted by the school staff before hand as per our request. Topics were Terrorism, Child marriages and Indian culture & Traditions. After a tough evaluation we narrowed down the winners based on their knowledge level from their respective classes.
The winners were:
From class 6th and 7th: 1st prize Anitha, 2nd prize Roja and 3rd prize Nagamani
From 8th class: 1st prize Shravani, 2nd prize Lokeshwari, and 3rd prize Ravali
From 9th class: 1st prize Karishma, 2nd prize Afreen sultana and 3rd prize Amibika Rani
10 class: 1st prize G.Mouinka, 2nd prize M.Priyank, and 3rd prize Manisha
The next competition was Elocution, for which topics were Future plans on how to make the society a better place to live, Indian history and idea on social service.
They expressed their views in such a wonderful way that their words have touched each one of us who were present there. The most promising words from one of the participants Sravanthi was about the girl’s discrimination and that birth of a girl child shouldn’t be treated as a sin and they shouldn’t be degraded.
The winners were Swathi, Mounika and Sravanthi.
We ended the programme with some entertaining activities like signing and some jokes shared by the students.
For this activity we have collected the money 4,500 Rs/-
Previous balance we have is 320 Rs/-
Total expenditure for this activity (Purchasing Prizes, Dictionaries, Chocolates, Pen sets, Traveling) is 3,920 Rs/-
The balance we have is 900 Rs/-
(For more information or for any clarifications on this part, please contact
We completed the event with a delightful speech from the headmistresses Kamsamma Garu and a Thanking note on the behalf of AMIGOS by Sirish.
Later after the event we had a small session with the school staff where we received a very good feedback about the whole event and some ideas to improve. We have also handed over some inspirational books to the staff (written by B.Madhura) as a token of appreciation for all the support they have given us during the event.
It was a fantastic and wonderful day for each one of us in the AMIGOS team as we have returned home with a heart filled memories and satisfaction with the success of the Spandana event. We came back with more thoughts on how to improvise our future social activities with new innovative ideas.
Thanks to one and all who were behind the success of this Spandana event.
Thanks to all the team members who participated and to the school staff for helping us. Special thanks to Shravan Hullur, suresh bachimanchi for the moral support, to Bhavani for her contribution in terms of sending Vivekananda inspirational CDs, Pens and for the kids.
Looking forward for more successful events…………
The Greatest religion is to be true to your own nature.
Have faith in yourselves. – Swami Vivekananda.