Sunday, November 15, 2009

Aadarana - Children's day

On the occasion of the Children’s day, we visited a place called “Aadarana Orphan Home, Saroornagar, Hyderabad,” around 9.15 in the morning. The cute little wonders were in fact waiting for our arrival. We started off with the introductory part, where the kids introduced themselves with the names and also specified their Ambition. It would be great to know that they want to become teachers, doctors, singers, software engineers and also scientists. The best to see is that they were expressing their ambition with extreme confidence.

The kids have expressed their talents. We were in fact excited to watch their outstanding, fun-filled talents. They were singing and dancing extremely well. Gifts were given to all the kids for their amazing talents. No wonder, every kid is precious and has hidden talents, which would help them to reach their goals.

Then, we conducted a quiz program, by dividing all the kids in 4 groups. Questions were asked regarding politics, history, sports and also in movies. We even gave them few tongue-twisters to spell. To our wonder, they indeed gave a tongue-twister which even we couldn’t spell it as perfect as they were…….. This proves how sharp the kids are………..

Prices were given to the quiz winners and also followed by the distribution of chocolates and cookies. Each child got a pouch which contains 2pens, a pencil, a eraser and a sharpener, sketch pens and a set of crayons.

30kgs of rice, 2 cartons of biscuits, and 2 carry-bags of clothes were given to the foundation.

Total Amount collected for the Event 3,300 Rs
(For the contributors details, please check the AMIGOS Community)

Expenses incurred:

1. Gifts and other stationery items 1,083.00
2. Cookies 100.00
3. Chocolates 250.00
4. Indoor games 1,097.00

Total 2, 430.00

Amount left in the fund: Rs. 900.00 - would be utilized for the next event.

As always, AMIGOS rocks.
