The irony is that in this modern world none of the younger generations believe this and alas old age homes have emerged very badly when compared to the previous decades.
Amigos team has experienced the same upon visiting 2 old age homes on August 29, 2009
1) Old age welfare association, Nizampet, Hyderabad:
This was run by an association, they take in people from different parts of India, at present there are almost 150 members living at the home. Amigos team of 25 has visited the place on 29 August 2009.
We had a chance of visiting each and every member in their rooms and hearing their stories and experiences and they had different life story to share. Some were left behind by their children, some were very poor to be taken care of by others and some wanted to spend their remaining days peacefully.
Our eyes and heart were filled with grief after hearing to how ungrateful grown up children can be and sorrows each and every individual over there have faced.
Main points we learned from them were:
World is a school itself, one shouldn’t run behind money. Put in all the effort and earn as much as you can and not by going in wrong ways. Shouldn’t forget to enjoy the life, should make others happy, and forgive others. Be good to yourself and also others.
Amigos have donated 50Kgs Rice bags and 2 Crompton Greaves ceiling Fans to the home.
2) Anandashramam, Mushirabad, Hyderabad.
Another old age home run by Mrs. Prema vishwanathan (Retired Bank manager), there were 13 people in her home. After talking to her and listening to the stories about the people at her old age home we felt like touching her feet as the amount of service she is offering is unbelievable.
Due to lack of fund she had only two rooms to serve the old people. She brought in people who were really sick and had taken care of them in their last moments.
A Microwave was donated by Amigos team to the home as per the request. This will be useful for them in the winter season.
The main motto behind visiting these old age homes was to learn the experiences and ideas of the people who have seen in and out of the life, which will definitely help our younger generation to lead the life in a proper way.
Message from Amigos: The solace the parents get from their children cannot be provided by the luxurious facilities in old age homes. Old age homes are a lame excuse to the atrocities done by the children to their aged parents. Parents should be treated like god and they should be cared for when they are lonely and helpless. Our responsibilities to our parents cannot be fulfilled by any old age homes.
The previous balance with the AMIGOS team is: 9,365
The total amount collected for this activity is: 4,000
The total amount spent for the activity is: 7,120 Rs.
Balance with AMIGOS Team : Rs. 6,245.00
* For more clear information about the contributions and expenditures, please visit this activity details at AMIGOS community:

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